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School Year

2025-2026 School Choice Application

Important Information

  • Class size in a given grade, in a given year, in a specific school, may prevent any placements including siblings.
  • The district reserves the right to assign non-resident students to schools which are able to admit such students without placing undue demands on the space and/or student/teacher ratio at any school. See BCSD Policy JBCB.
  • Parents will be responsible for transporting their child to and from school each day. You will need to make sure your child is at school on time.
  • Please note, a student’s choice may be REVOKED by the superintendent or the superintendent’s designee for any reason including, but not limited to, repeated tardiness and/or other irregularities of attendance, and/or repeated consequential violations of the discipline code. Additionally, you must attend parent-student conferences as requested.
  • More information about our BCSD Expanded Choice Program can be found on our webpage at

Student Information

(May be found on student's report card)
First School Choice:
Second School Choice:
Student Name:
Current School:
2025-2026 Grade Level:
Student Receives Special Education Services
Student has a 504 Plan
Student classified as Gifted and Talented

Family Information

This section is populated based on the parents marked as having custody of the student within PowerSchool.

If any of the names or realtionships below are not accurate, please reach out to your student's school to have it corrected.

Parent / Guardian

Legal Guardian
Lives With Student

Proof of Residency

Please upload 2 proof of residency documents using the file inputs below

If you do not have 2 documents, please email

Have a suggestion? Enter it below and click submit.